Thank you, St. Louis Cardinals


If Frankenstorm Sandy wasn’t enough to keep folks home tonight, just think if the Cardinals had prevailed over San Francisco and IF they had behaved in their normal nail-biting manner, we would have been in Game 5 of the World Series tonight. NOBODY, not even my dog would have shown up for the book signing at Subterranean Books in the Loop tonight, even if I bribed her with a hamburger.

Luck was with me.  And so were a lot of loving friends, neighbors, fellow writers, true believers, folks worn down by the man, thrill seekers, folks who walked in off the street who wondered what the hell people were doing crowded into Subterranean books, dog lovers, a couple of dogs,  my son Sean (representing 25% of my offspring and future rest home deciders…) my kids’ friends, oh, and my publisher Kristy Makansi of Blank Slate Press, and my favorite, special gentleman friend.

Thanks to everybody who came out tonight to listen to me prattle on about Off the Leash. Only one lady fell asleep. It wasn’t me. Standing room only. You guys rock.


I wore a sleeveless shirt, I knew I’d be having hot flashes, okay?



About Jean Ellen Whatley

Writer. Dreamer. Sometimes schemer. Journalist/memoirist/observer and sometimes constructive irritant. Prisoner of demon muses. Mother to four humans and two dogs. In my spare time, I delete phone numbers of former boyfriends.

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