Through the Cracked Windshield of My Life

Who needs a muse, when you've got Walmart? The dogs and I went to run errands this afternoon. I needed a lint roller to get rid of the dog hair on my coat, from taking the dogs with me to run errands. I also needed a trash can with a lid to keep said dogs from digging chicken carcasses out of the trash.  Back when I was a starving writer, two weeks ago, I had purchased some light bulbs at Walmart. They didn't fit the socket. Lint roller, trash can and exchanging the … [Read more...]

Coming Soon to a Coffee House Near You

Well, some of you... Remy, the wonderful and pretty gal who owns Abode Coffee House in the hip, happenin' burb of Webster Groves has graciously allowed me to come and do my dog & Jean show, on Friday, March 15th. Folks can get all wound up on coffee, or wind down with a glass of wine. She's got good food too. Now, one of the other good things about being back in the saddle in the freelance (no, it's NOT free...) video business, aside from an occasional check, (as … [Read more...]

Celluloid Dreams

The journey continues. Amidst dreams fueled by my own shameless desire for fame (at least I'm honest) and those who lovingly feed those delusions (maybe, maybe not) that Off the Leash will eventually become a best seller, then a screenplay, and then of course an Oscar nominated film, where I’ll stride the red carpet confidently thinner and face lifted, somewhere amongst that fantasy lies the snow-turned-to-charcoal-slush mounds of the perilous here and now. The way … [Read more...]

Overstimulated at the Airport Bar

Logan International - Boston, February 5, 2013 TV monitors everywhere.Hillary in the flippy-do debuted her new website today. Pundits pounce. Pakistan is erecting a theme park near Bin Laden’s former lair,amusement by any other name. Pat Boone’s become a pitchman for geriatric bathtubs. Get a grip, sister. Your old man is only draggin’ you into the tub cause you stinky.He’s not trying to drown you.Portugese water dogs, oh man! Obama! No fear of going under there, cept’ … [Read more...]

Off the Leash Featured in First Book Review Publication!

Maybe it's the Texas connection, maybe it's the dog, hell, maybe it's the odyssey, (I didn't make that shit up, you know, about the musicians on the highway, the three of spades floating in the stream, the Jean sign telling me to "kindly park....") but I'm so excited to tell you that Off the Leash is being featured in the February edition of  Shelf Unbound.  It's a  book review magazine which reaches more than 125,000 readers in the United States and 56 countries … [Read more...]

They Work Hard for Their Money

So the blog's been neglected, as if you've been pining way for witicisms from Jean, right?  It's because I've been a workin' fool lately. Good thing, as the wolves, in the form of not only one, but two goons with missing teeth have, of late, been knocking at my door. I won't go into detail, but I ain't lying. While I continue to do book talks (shout out to Kenn Ann Smith and Victoria Babu for hosting this month!) and I've been seen out on street corners selling books … [Read more...]